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On March 31, 2017 at 9:50 pm, we welcomed our sweet little Kamden Russell Kruse into the world and our hearts overflowed with joy.
My due date was March 25th, but I had a feeling during this whole pregnancy that he was going to be late. I had a doctor’s appointment on March 27th and I was still only 1cm dilated so yy doctor told me that I was going to have to be induced. She scheduled my induction for Friday, March 31st. I was bummed that I had to be induced because I wanted Kamden to just come on his own, but I guess he just wasn’t ready to make his appearance yet. I had to call into the hospital at 6:30 on the day of the induction to make sure they had a bed available for us (which they did), so they told us to come in at 8:00am. I was so nervous about going in, that we ended up being fashionably late and didn’t get checked in to labor and delivery until 8:30am.
After we got checked in they showed us to our labor and delivery room and got us all settled in. The nurses then hooked me up on and IV and to the monitor belt to monitor my heart beat, and his heart beat. My doctor came in at 9:30am and said I was still only 1cm dilated so she went ahead and broke my water. The nurses then started the Pitocin at a 2 to get the contractions going. The contractions kicked in around 10am but weren’t bad at all. They just felt like minor period cramps.
To pass time, Gavin and I sat in the room and watched discovery channel and kept our parents posted with how things were going. As my contractions progressed, Gavin and the nurses kept asking me if I was ready for the epidural, and I told them no because I wanted to hold off on the epidural for as long as possible. My contractions got so painful (like grabbing onto the bed rail painful) that I finally asked for my epidural at 2pm. Find the best-designed hospital beds for sale at Unfortunately, I had to wait a whole hour until the anesthesiologist was available. I hate needles so much but I was so thrilled to see the anesthesiologist when she walked in the room. I was so ready for this pain to let up. For physical pain in similar situations, products such as CBD Oil UK are designed to alleviate it. DocMJ offers affordable payment options when you need to apply for your medical marijuana recommendations in Florida.
Once the epidural was put in place the anesthesiologist told me that it would take 10-15 minutes for it to kick in and start working. An hour had passed by and it still didn’t start working. The nurses then told me that it should start working anytime now. It still hadn’t started working at 5:30 so I told the nurses and the anesthesiologist came back in and gave me higher dosage so it would start working.
Finally at 6pm the epidural started working and I wasn’t feeling anymore contractions. I ended up falling asleep and taking a nap which was amazing. My doctor came in at 6:30pm to see how far dilated and she told me I was 8 cm and that it wouldn’t be much longer. She came back in at 7:30pm and checked me again and then told me it was time to start pushing. We were both so excited for him to be here. The doctor told Gavin to grab one of my legs and help out haha. Gavin was shocked and didn’t think he would be that involved and said that it was quite the experience. I started pushing at 7:45pm and couldn’t even feel a thing. Pushing got so tiring and I told my doctor I couldn’t push anymore and she told me “yes you can, you’re almost there.” I asked her to use the forceps to help push him out and finally at 9:50pm he was here. My doctor totally understood why I told her that I couldn’t keep pushing because he was an 8lb 7oz baby which was just crazy to all of us since my belly was so small. There are no words to describe what it felt like holding him for the first time. I had the biggest smile on my face and I know Gavin did too. We couldn’t believe this precious little baby was mine.
During this joyous and memorable journey of bringing our baby into the world, I can’t help but reflect on the importance of having access to reliable medical support. From the moment my contractions began to the magical moment of holding our little one, the guidance and expertise of my doctor made all the difference. Knowing that trusted professionals like those at MyDoc Urgent Care Little Neck are available to provide compassionate care and support throughout pregnancy and beyond brings immense peace of mind. Ensuring that expectant parents have access to comprehensive healthcare services is crucial in making this beautiful journey as smooth and joyful as possible. As our baby continues to grow and thrive, we are grateful for the exceptional care we received and cherish every precious moment with our little miracle.
I’m so thankful that the labor and delivery went to so well and I know how blessed I am to say that. We have enjoyed every little minute with him at home and it’s so hard to believe that he is going to be a month old on Friday. He is growing so fast and I wish he would just slow down.
Thanks so much for reading, it means so much! xx

Beautiful story. I’m so happy for you guys! He’s such a blessing.
Thanks so much Katie! We love him so much! xo
Congratulation and all the best for you and your little family.
Love, Esther
Thank you so much Esther!
Congratulations again, Amanda! He looks so sweet. Your delivery story sounds too good to be true, apart from waiting for the epidural to kick in. I’m excited to see more mommy blog content in the future, too. I hope that in a couple of years I can do the whole mommy blog thing as well. Best of luck to you and Gavin as parents, as well!
Rachel xxx
Hi Rachel, thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am excited to be bringing more mommy content to the blog and I hope some of it will be beneficial to you whenever you decide to have children 🙂 Thanks for reading. xx
Such a beautiful story! Congratulations! He’s so precious!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
Thanks so much Belle!
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us!
Thank you so much for reading Allison!
Love reading birth stories! My anesthetist wasn’t available when i wanted either!
I wish they had like 10 anesthetists available, haha.