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Millie’s Birth Story
On October 18, 2024 at 4:27 am our sweet little Millie Marie Kruse entered the world.
I can’t believe that Millie is 18 days old already. The newborn stage is going by so fast, but we are soaking in all the moments with her, especially all the of the baby snuggles.
Today I am going to share Millie’s birth story with you. My plan from the beginning was to not go past my due date with Millie since Kamden was such a big baby. I had an OB appointment on October 10th and my doctor went ahead and scheduled an induction for me on October 18th for 11am.
My OB called me on Wednesday, October 16th at 10:30 am, asking if I could come in right now to be induced. She was worried I wouldn’t be able to be induced on Friday the 18th due to 3 other scheduled C-sections, and she had to leave by 10 pm that evening for Chicago, so she was worried that she wouldn’t be able to deliver my baby. I took a risk and told her I would not be coming in today to be induced because I had a real estate closing the next day, and I honestly wasn’t ready to have her yet, (haha.)
I had a doctor’s apt the next day at 3:15. My doctor checked me and I was 4 cm dialated. She went ahead and did a membrane sweep to hopefully put me into labor. After my dr appointment I went to my real state closing and then went home. When I got home at 6 pm, Gavin had brats and corn made for dinner. There were a few things that needed hung up in Millie’s nursery so Gavin hung them up for me. I showered and then we all sat together (our last time as a family of 3) on the couch to watch Monsters University.
During the movie, I started having contractions at 9:40pm until 10:40 pm 20 minutes apart. From 11:00 pm until 12:00 am my contractions were 15 minutes apart. They then progressed to 10 minutes apart from 12:10 am until 1:00 am. At that point, my contractions were starting to make me uncomfortable, so we called my mom at 1:15 am and she came and picked up Kamden.
Gavin and I left for the hospital at 1:30 am and at that point, my contractions were 5 minutes apart. We arrived at the hospital at 2:00 am. The nurse checked me at 2:15 am and I was 6 cm dialated. They went ahead an admitted me and moved us to the labor and delivery room.
At 3:00 am I got an epidural and then at 3:30 am my dr came in and broke my water. I had about 45 min to get a cat nap, and then my dr came back at 4:15 am and said it was go time. I started pushing at 4:17 am and Millie arrived at 4:27 am. When I delivered her, she wasn’t crying. Apparently she came out so fast and swallowed amniotic fluid which resulted in her having fluid in her lung and some breathing problems. They took her to the NICU where she was hooked up, and on antibiotics so they could monitor her for the next 48 hours.
Millie made quite the entrance into this world, and we are so thankful that she is a healthy, and happy little girl.
If you are new here, and didn’t get a chance to read Kamden’s birth story, you can check it out HERE.